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A little bit of mindfulness

Alright, for those of you who know me or have read the biography on my website, you probably know that I'm a therapist outside of wedding planning. These two career paths might seem completely unrelated, but my experience as a therapist has most *definitely* come in handy when it came time for my own wedding, and for helping other couples out with their weddings.

With that said, when one of my very best friends sent me a link about how mindfulness can help with wedding planning, I was PUMPED! I always knew that practicing mindfulness techniques throughout wedding planning (and life in general) was helpful, but it made me feel less... nerdy, I guess? to know that there were so many resources on the subject.

For this week, rather than write a full on blog, I'm going to have you head on over to this link for some suggestions as to how to stay mindful throughout the wedding planning process:

Number 7 is my personal favorite.. it's so, so important to remember why you're doing this in the first place! Have fun, be excited, be in love! When it comes to remembering my wedding, I look back and am almost embarrassed at how deliriously happy I was. I walked down that aisle just a little too fast and smiled just a little too big in some of my

pictures. I felt every ounce of joy that I think my body could handle.. and I think every couple truly deserves to experience that. Number 7 is something I always hope to emphasize to my couples, especially as things start to get stressful.

So, whatever part of the planning process you are in, take some time to really appreciate why you're putting all of this effort and stress (and money) into this in the first place. And if you're still feeling too overwhelmed, like you may not be able to truly be able to enjoy the day? Well... hiring a wedding planner is the perfect solution, if I do say so myself. ;)


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