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Sweating for the wedding: Get active with Aaptiv

We are smack-dab in the middle of peak engagement season, and, according to WeddingWire, 50% of couples start planning within one month of getting engaged. Something you might not want to think about, but definitely should think about!, are the short and long term fitness goals you have related to these big events that'll be coming your way. Fitness goals - uh, yeah... about that. Depending on your goals, this can be a big-time avoided endeavor, especially if you're someone who needs guidance in where to get started with your fitness routine, if you straight up don't feel comfortable going to the gym, or if you just don't have the equipment. If you have fitness goals related to your wedding, I recommend starting as soon as you can and not waiting until just a few months before the big day. Trust me, you'll only have more to do as the big day gets closer. I also recommend finding something that works for you, that you love, and that you can end up looking forward to rather than dreading. Whaaaat, does that actually exist? Yes! Let me introduce my favorite fitness app, Aaptiv.

Aaptiv is an on-demand audio fitness app that provides you with the guidance of a personal trainer with the enjoyment of your favorite fitness class to give you a fun, fresh way to work out. It's pretty much like having a personal trainer, paired with your favorite tunes, along with a workout that you specifically chose just for you and what you want to do at that time. When you open the app, you choose which program/work out (treadmill, elliptical, strength, etc.) you want. Then, you can search through tons (and I mean TONS) of classes based on the trainer (they all have their own approach to fitness and ways of motivating you), music that ramps you up, and other filters. Boom, there you have it. Check out some screen caps below to get an idea of what I'm talking about here.

Aaptiv also has a super supportive community on Facebook (check it out here:, which is a great spot to ask for advice or just make some posts that will help hold you accountable. The Aaptiv trainers are amazing at being active in this community, which I think is one of the coolest parts. If you're anything like me, you'll get super stoked about a workout you just did with Sultan Malik - then all of the sudden, he's liking your posts and cheering you on. Go, you! With that said, Aaptiv is a great complement to any fitness regimen, especially those of you who are just looking to get something new and exciting going for your wedding fitness goals.

If you want to give it a try for *free* (chyeah!) for 30 days, copy/paste this link: and get started. Comment below with your favorite trainer or work out and I'll be sure to give it a try! Happy sweating!

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